Monday 19 August 2013

Heller, Steven and Chwast, Seymour 2008 Illustration: A Visual History: Abrams
2007 Philosophy Now: Popular Culture and Philosophy Issue 64: Anja Publications Ltd
2012 ARTBOXMagazine Issue 20: James Knight Media
Munari, Bruno 1966 Design as Art: Editori Laterza
2012 Creative Review magazine May Issue: Centaur Media plc
McLuhan, Marshall and Fiore, Quentin 1967 The Medium is the Massage: Bantam Books, Inc.
Lois, George 2012 Damn Good Advice (for people with talent!): Phaidon Press Limited
Griffin, W. Glenn and Morrison, Deborah 2010 The Creative Process Illustrated: HOW Books
Gill, Bob 2011 Bob Gill, so far.: Laurence King Publishing Ltd
Berger, John 1972 Ways of Seeing: Penguin Books Ltd
Ingledew, John 2011 the a-z of visual ideas: Laurence King Publishing Ltd
Crow, David 2003 Visible Signs 2nd edition: AVA Publishing SA
Fiell, Charlotte and Fiell, Peter 1999 Design of the 20th Century: TASCHEN
Compton, Michael 1970 Movement of Modern Art: Pop Art: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited

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